
Google Map

Google Maps can be added easily using Visual Element in Page Builder

[tlg_gmap zoom=»14″ style=»dark_gray» locations=»361 East 137th Street Bronx, NY 10454, USA
Harlem, New York, NY, USA» height=»450″ marker_image=»5404″]
[tlg_gmap zoom=»14″ style=»dark_blue» locations=»361 East 137th Street Bronx, NY 10454, USA
Harlem, New York, NY, USA» height=»450″ marker_image=»5404″]
[tlg_gmap zoom=»14″ style=»gray» locations=»361 East 137th Street Bronx, NY 10454, USA
Harlem, New York, NY, USA» height=»450″ marker_image=»5404″]
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